I just completed the Offline-First course. I must say it became progressively more frustrating as I approached the end. I continually wrote “fetch(response)” even though I know it is “fetch(request)”. I swear Visual Studio Code has it in for me and changes my text just to annoy me. Another example, why else would it keep typing “I f” instead of “if”? All in all, it might just be an indication that I am pushing myself too hard and not getting enough sleep.
Anyway, I have moved on to the next course on ES6 = ES2015, which probably should come before the Offline-First course even though the Offline-First course only uses ES5. And I just ran into this sentence:
This behavior prevents variables from being accessed only until after they’ve been declared.
Here it is fixed:
This behavior prevents variables from being accessed until after they’ve been declared.
Here it is fixed a different way:
This behavior allows variables to be accessed only after they’ve been declared.
You can’t have it both ways. You are welcome.
I also disagree with the average of nothing being zero (0).